Monday, March 31, 2014


Aren't birds interesting? They can fly, they can build nests, they can even balance on narrow wires and trees- yet there is one unfair part about birds. The female bird is almost always deprived of color! In this instance, the male sparrow has brighter blacks and browns than the female, who has tan feathers. Now, I have nothing against the colors brown and tan, but I just don't find it fair.

Sparrows, as you probably know, can be found all over the world. However, they originally came from areas near Russia! That's right, someone had the nerve to take these pesty birds from Russia and bring them into our country! Sparrows are chunky little birds, with small heads and fat bodies. However, they are also very social all year round.

In winter, sparrows will join in with flocks of other birds to scout for food, and it's nests are usually grouped together in clumps. This bird easily survives the winter as it eats whatever is available, though prefers grains, grasses, and weeds.

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