Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Humpback Whale (Megaptera Novaeangliae)

The unique tail ... of a humpback whale!

Humpback whales are a species of baleen whale.  They are recognized by their odd form of head, which  is knobby.  Adults alone weigh 79000 pounds, while babies weigh about 2 short tons. Mating season occurs all year, with females having a gestation period of about  a year.  To let a female know about mating, a male whale will wail and sing continuously for a few hours. When whales are born, they are only as long as their mother's head, about 20 feet.

Humpback life expectancy is about 45-100 years. Once, in Inuit Alaska, a bowhead whale was found alive and thought to be 211 years old.  They live individually or in small groups containing maybe three  whales. Both male and female whales vocalize, but only the male can produce the rich song that makes the humpback famous.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Flea ( Siphoneptera )

Flea .... or Siphoneptera!

Fleas are pesky insects with no wings, and are usually dark in color so as to blend into things.  They usually reside in dark woods, or on animal fur.  They have long legs that help them get onto animals, and tube like mouths for sucking blood. A flea can jump 200 times its body length, and despite it's size, can do a lot of damage to a human or animal.

The flea goes through four transformation stages, starting when the female lays her eggs. Adult fleas must feed on blood before they lay eggs. The four stages, starting from baby, are: egg, larva, pups, and imago. The eggs are usually laid in batches of 20, and are hatched in 2 weeks tops.

The flea has been thought to have been descended from the fly, because of similarities in looks. But in any case, whether fleas came from flies or not, they are dangerous bugs, both for animals, and for humans. ( Note: always check your pet if he/she has been outside. They could have ticks or fleas. Fleas will usually go into places near the tail and under the collar.)

Thursday, October 20, 2011



Tetradontidae, otherwise known as puffer fish, have a very different way of defending themselves.  They are very slow creatures, therefore very easy prey. However, what sharks and other predators might not see coming is a whole ton of pointy spikes. If the predator does manage to eat the fish, he will be killed from poison let off by the fish.

Reproduction takes place on the surface of the water. Eggs are laid, looking like translucent spheres. These strange fish have been around for over 138 million years.  Puffer-fish are dangerous to humans if their poison stickles are not severed correctly. They are found in South America, Asia, and Africa.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hammerhead Shark ( Eusphyra )

Hammerhead shark.... or eusphyra!

The heads of these sharks look like hammers, therefore giving them their name: Hammerhead.  The shape of their head enhances their vision, making them dangerous to prey, usually fish and smaller sharks. Reproduction happens once a year only. The male will continuously bite the female shark till she gets the message. When the young sharks, sometimes called pups, are born, they do not receive any help at all from their parents. Litter range from 10-15 pups usually.

Surprisingly, only three out of nine known species of hammerhead sharks are dangerous to humans. The species that are dangerous are the scalloped, great, and smooth hammerheads. To native Hawaiians, hammerhead sharks are gods of the sea, protectors of humans, and cleaners of the sea.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Pig ( sus )

Pig ... or sus!

What's pink, rolls in mud, and snorts? A pig!  A pig's head will  typically be  larger than usual,  with a long snout with a flat nose. The flat nose is for sifting through dirt to find food. Pigs may be omnivores, but tend to prefer vegetation. In the wild, they scrounge for flowers, weeds, and grasses to eat, while in captivity are fed a soy mixture with vitamins.

When a pig is raised on a farm, it usually means it becomes food, shoes, and brushes for the farmer. When a pig gets old and fat, the farmer will kill it, and use the meat for breakfast, the skin for leather, and the bristles for a brush. Who knew a pig could be so useful?

Pigs can be harmful to humans, and I don't mean eating them out of house and home. Pigs carry several diseases that can be easily transmitted to humans, including: trichinosis, Taenia solium, cysticercosis, and brucellosis. Pig mating season is every 21 days, as that is the amount of time before the female goes into heat. Pigs can be found all over the world.

For those of you who play NVR  Fantasy Football, here are a few football related facts:
A football is sometimes known as a pigskin, by name. Another little fact: The Washington Redskins are sometimes called the hogs.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

European Polecat ( Mustela Putorious )

European Polecat ... or mustela putorious!

What do you call cats that sit on poles? Polecats!  Despite their name, the last thing a polecat resembles is a cat. Sure, they are both furry, but a polecat resembles a weasel. Polecats will use abandoned fox or badger holes to house in, instead of making their own. Polecats usually will hang around rabbit burrows, as rabbits are a main food.

Everyone has enemies, polecats included. Just a few of these animals are dangerous to a polecat:
Wild cats
House cats

Polecats are also in danger because of humans. Hunters kill them for fur, but polecats are not endangered. Unlike weasels, polecats can be tamed, and are easily bred in captivity. In the rural parts of the British Isles, legend has it that polecats chew ears off of sheep,stun men, kill people, and more outrageous things. Polecats may chew ears off rabbits, but they do not chew ears off of sheep!

Polecats can be found in Europe, the British Isles, and various places in France. During mating season, a male polecat will drag a female around by the neck to communicate to her. The female polecat stays pregnant for only 40 days, and litters will be born about May. Kits weigh about 9 grams at birth and are born blind. After 2 months, the kits leave their parents.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chicken ( gallus gallus domesticus )

Chicken ... or gallus gallus domesticus!

Chickens eat both vegetation and meat.  They will eat rats, mice, lizards, and other rodents. They are animals that live in a flock.They have a way of keeping things under way. This is called the pecking order. Chickens will eat almost anything, even chicken. The pecking order determines which hens will get more food, and which ones will get their feathers plucked out. Mostly, only the hens will peck.

The rooster's job is to keep the hens in order. He is distinguished by his large red comb. He decides which hen gets food by dancing in a circle around them, which the hens brain responds to. He also will pick up food and drop it near other hens. A pecking order is when a higher hen pecks some feathers off a lower hen, and so on.

Hens will lay eggs. Sometimes the eggs will be picked to be sold, and sometimes the hen will get babies.

The Pecking order:
Pecked Chicken

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Honey Badger ( mellivora capensis )

Honey badger ... or mellivora capensis!
Honey badgers, despite their name, do not even resemble badgers. They have more resemblance with a  weasel . Honey badgers can commonly be found in India, Africa, and the middle East.  They are not an endangered species. 

Honey badgers have a long body, and are usually a deep brownish-black with a white back. They have a lot of extra skin, allowing them to move swiftly and flexibly. One of the only similarities to a badger is the shape of a honey badger's skull.

Honey badgers are carnivores, and they hunt both day and night. They are known to eat mice, birds, eggs, insects, and frogs. They will dig up corpses and always eat everything on their prey, including bones, hair, skin, etc.

May is a usual mating season for honey badgers, but other than that, they are solitary animals. It is half a year before cubs are born blind. Most of the time the mating will only result in two babies, but there have been times when there have been  more. The cubs will communicate by whining.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Lynx ( Felinae )

Lynx ... or felinae!
The lynx's smallest species is the Canada lynx, while the biggest species is the Eurasian lynx.  When the Iberian  lynx almost went extinct in 1970, it became illegal to hunt lynx in most countries. Although they are typically land animals, they can swim in water to hunt for fish, and can climb trees as well.

Lynx are found most frequently in forests or tall grasses, as they like sheltered areas. In the late winter, a mother lynx usually becomes pregnant, and after 70 days, will give birth to 2 to 4 cubs, each of which will stay with her until the next winter.

Apart from mating season, lynx are solitary animals. Rarely they hunt together in small groups of 2 or 3, but prefer to hunt on their own.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tortoise (testudinidae)

Tortoise ... or testudinidae!

Tortoise are land animals, and can be found in all parts  of the world. A mother will lay a clutch of eggs from one to thirty, and cover them up and leave them to hatch. The baby will break out of the shell with its egg tooth, and begin learning life in the wild. One tortoise lived to be 165 years old. As of today, there is said to be a tortoise living on the island of Helena that is 176 years old, making him the oldest animal in the world.

For the most part, tortoises are herbivores, but some eat worms and bugs as part of a regular diet. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Panda ( Ailurapoda )

Panda ... or ailurapoda!

Pandas are typically found in Central China. They are black and white,  and stand 2 feet 6 inches to the shoulder. When a cub is born, it weighs about 7 ounces and 7 inches long. Pandas usually wander alone, except in mating season, which usually happens between March and May.

Pandas are herbivores, and will eat a lot of greens, but it will mainly eat bamboo.  Pandas still have a carnivore sense, so bamboo gives them almost no energy or protein. Though pandas are mainly herbivores, they will eat fish and eggs when they find them available.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wild Boar (Suindae)

Wild boar ... or suindae!

Wild boars are typically found in Northern and Central Europe, though they can be found as far as Asia sometimes.  Wild boars have been bred in the U.S. for hunting purposes, but after escapes from captivity, have been repopulated. Boars have large heads and short legs, and when piglets are born, they have stripes down their back. These stripes, however, fade by the time they are 6 weeks old.

Pregnancy periods will last about 115 days, and 3 days before birth, the female will make a strong nest for her and her piglets. Birthing takes about 3 hours, and when the youngsters are born, they and the mother will stay in the nest for up to 6 days to get used to their surroundings.

The Celtics believed that the boar was a sacred token to the goddess Arduinna. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Skunk (mephitidae carnivora)

Skunk ...or mephitidae carnivora!

Never pet a shaggy black and white cat, or you  might get a little more then you bargained for. Skunks may be small, but  they pack a stench if they get scared.  They will eat berries, small mammals, nuts, and in towns and cities, garbage. During winter, they will hibernate. While up to twelve females can sleep in one den, males prefer to den alone.

Skunks have very poor vision, and can't see objects more then 10 feet away. Usually a female skunk gives birth in May, and after three weeks, the babies (sometimes called kits) can see. They will stay with their mom for about a year, and then they leave to go on their own.

Skunks can be found all over the world, but are commonly found in North America.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Akita (canis lupis familiaris)

Akita ... or canis lupis familiaris!

Akita dogs were originally bred  in Japan, but now can be found all over the world. An Akita's coat comes in only 5 colors, but only the American Akita can come in all five. The coat can be long or short, depending on how it is cared for.

The Akita is a loyal and intelligent breed. A faithful Akita named Hachicko waited for his master for 10 years at Shibuya  station, to greet him from the train. After his death, a statue was erected for him to show his loyalty, and he also saved the Akita from extinction.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bulldog (canis lupis familiaris)

Bulldog... or canis lupis familiaris!

Bulldogs, though they may look grouchy, are actually gentle giants. They are easy to please, and have a good temperment with children. A standard male bulldog will weigh 55 pounds, while a female weighs 50 pounds. It has been said that on average a bulldog lives for about 8-12 years. The bulldogs who die of old age are usually 11 years old.

Bulldog health risks include cherry eye, allergies, and hip problems. If a bulldog is not exercised properly, weight, joint heart, and lung problems can set in. In most countries, bulldogs are symbolized as mascots for sports.

Though bulldogs originated in England, they can now be found throughout the world.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pelican (pelecanus)

Pelican ...or pelecanus!

Recognized for their large throat pouch, a pelican can weigh up to  33 pounds, though the smallest on record is only 6 pounds. A pelican will mainly eat fish, but have been known to occasionally eat other birds.  Pelicans will usually dive to get their food, but will also steal food from other birds.

Pelicans will hatch eggs both in trees and on land. At ten to twelve weeks a young pelican will start hunting for it's own food, but will still live in the nest. The most common species of pelican is the Australian pelican, and the rarest breed is the Dalmation and the Spot-billed pelican.

Pelican environment was spoiled by the 2010 petroleum disaster, and dead pelicans were found all along raccoon island.  The island had been home to more than 60000 pelicans, but since the oil spill pelicans have had a decline in population.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Extra Special Article! English Labrador Retriever! (Canis lupis familiaris)

Labrador Retriever .... or canis lupis familiaris!

Labs are very good house pets. They are soft mouths, and are good  in water. They can carry a raw egg in their mouth and not break it, and are preferred to beagles for bringing back water kill. As of 1991, they were the most popular house pet in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S.

Labs are agile and love retrieving balls and Frisbees. They have a good temperament and make good family dogs. I have a 2 month old puppy lab named Lucky, for whom this article is being written. He is a tired dog, and will sleep in the day, but at night he is a bundle of energy. Lucky has been with me for 3 days now, and is being house and crate trained. House training is hard. He has had 4 accidents so far, but whenever he does, I will bring him to the door and tell him go out there. This method works with most dogs, and he is learning quickly.

When you are training your dog, you need to be firm with your commands. I train Lucky by using dog biscuits, but as he gets better, move to verbal praise. Never give ANY dogs chocolate, grapes, raisins, or any type of human medicine. If you have a puppy, make sure you put away cleaning supplies for accidents, so your pup cannot get poisoned.

The very first commands to teach your dog are 'come' and 'sit'. Only use one word commands, so your dog does not get confused. Whenever your pup does something good, give it verbal praise, as too many dog biscuits can make your dog sick, and as everyone knows labs are chow hounds. Keep posted on the Weekly Lucky Report!   

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Beaver (Castor canadensis)

Beaver ...or castor canadensis!!!

The beaver population was once about 60 million, but as of 1988 was around twelve million. The population decline was due to fur hunting, and also the use of their glands as medicine. Beavers tend to live along streams and rivers, and make dams as their homes. Dams provide safe shelter and easy access to food in winter. Beavers are industrious, and can build a sturdy enough dam to keep a wolf or coyote out in one night.

Beavers knock down trees to help build their dams, and also small trees for food. Two year old beavers will not only help their parents repair their dam, they will watch over younger beavers too. Beaver families find each other by sense of smell. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rabbit (oryctolagus cuniculus)

Rabbit... or oryctolagus cuniculus!

More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America. Rabbits like different lands, from wetlands to forest brush. Their long ears, which can grow to be four inches, are used for detecting enemies nearby. They use their powerful hind legs to get a good leap away from the enemy, and if it gets too close, it gives a good kick with it's hind legs.

Rabbits have a nine month breeding period, from February to October. Baby rabbits, also known as kits, are born helpless and blind. A rabbit's life span is usually 9 to 12 years, but the oldest rabbit the world has known lived to 18.

As rabbits are herbivores, their diet has alot of cellulose, which is hard to digest. To solve this problem, rabbits eat their poop, making it easier to digest. During the late afternoon, rabbits will rapidly graze for about a half an hour, and then release hard pellets, which they will not eat. Then they spend another half a hour grazing more selectively, and then pooping eatable pellets. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Zebra (equus quagga)

Zebra... or equus quagga!

Zebras are animals that are known for their distinctive black and white stripes. These stripes help camouflage the animals from predators. No stripe pattern is the same on any zebra. They live in various habitats, from grasslands to mountains. There are four species of zebra, and one went extinct. The plains zebras are not endangered, but 2 of it's subspecies are endangered. 

It was first believed that a zebra was white with black stripes, as it's belly is white, but tests have proved that a zebra is black with white stripes, and that the belly is in addition. It is believed that zebras are not colorblind, and though it is not proven, they are thought to be able to recognize each other's stripe patterns. They are herbivores, and live on grass, though sometimes eat bugs when they come in with grass.

Females become mature faster than boys, and could have had their first foal by age three. Males become mature at age 5, and usually the female births once a year. When the baby is born, it is brown and white at first. It will be nursed by it's mother for a year, and will then leave it's mother.

People have tried to tame zebras in the past, but their panicky movements when under stress make it hard to ride them and to tame them. When a zebra is being attacked, it will run in a zig-zag pattern to complicate things for it's enemy. If the enemy gets too close, the zebra will rear up and bite or kick the enemy. To this day, zebras roam the earth, protecting their foals, fouling enemies, and fooling people with their black and white stripes.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cheetah ( acinonyx jubatus)

Cheetah... or acinonyx jubatus!

Ever heard of the cat that didn't play fair? You probably have. So I'll give you some more info about the cheetah. They can be found in alot of places, though they typically prefer desert, prairie, and brush. They are the fastest animal in the world, reaching up to 75 miles per hour. It can spring from not running to 62 miles per hour in 3 seconds. Ancient Egyptians used to keep cheetahs as pets, taming them and teaching them to hunt.

Cheetah mating season occurs throughout the whole year, and after a gestation period of 98 days, a female cheetah can give birth to up to 9 cubs. Female cheetahs actually do cheat. They have been known to have cubs off of more than one male. At birth, a cheetah cub weighs about 11 ounces. Cheetahs usually do not mate until they are 3, but become fully mature in 2 years.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Boa Constrictor ( boa constrictor)

Boa Constrictor

Boa Constrictors are found in Central and South America and some islands of the Caribbean. They can grow to be 13 feet and weigh about 60 pounds. Most of a constrictor's diet consists of rodents, but animals as big as ocelots have been known to have been eaten. 

Boa Constrictors are nocturnal, but will bask in the day because night temperatures are too cold. Boa constrictors like dry weather for mating season, thus it takes place in April until August. Male snakes will wrestle for the right to breed with the female. Female snakes can hold the egg inside them for a year, but when the baby is born, it is only 20 inches long. Young boa constrictors eat small mice and birds until they are old enough to eat bigger food.

Boa constrictors can be found in a wide variety of places, from a tropical forest to a barren desert. Boa  coloring varies, but a typical base coat will be brown, grey, or cream, spattered with brown or brown-red spots.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dolphin ( lissodelphis borealis)

Dolphin...or lissodelphis borealis!

Ever hear of a 30 foot dolphin? No? Well, I bet you would be surprised to find out that a killer whale is a type of dolphin. A dolphin is normally 4 feet long, and weighs 90 pounds, but killer whales (or orcas) can weigh up to 9000 pounds. Dolphins are very intelligent animals, and have been studied in the wild and in captivity. A dolphin commonly eats fish and squid, but orcas are known to eat other marine animals as well.

Dolphin mating happens stomach to stomach. Dolphin gestation period is about 11-12 months, and 17 months for the orca. Dolphins have been known to act sexually to one another and to other animals before they are mature enough.

There have been orca attacks on humans, three documented ones fatal. All three were done by the same orca, Tilikum, an orca from Sea World. Most recently he drowned his best trainer, Dawn Brancheau, dragging her to the bottom of his tank. To this day, orcas and dolphins alike can be found all around the world.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Golden Retriever (canis lupus familiaris)

Golden retriever...or canis lupus familiaris!

Golden retrievers originated in Scotland. They were brought up originally to catch prey that had been shot in the water. They have a soft mouth so that they will not damage the prey they bring back, and are very good swimmers. Goldens will eat typical dog food, and are usually about 2 feet long. They weigh about 50-85 pounds.

Golden retriever dogs do not have mating seasons, but when a female goes into heat, the male dog will smell a change in her hormones before she comes into heat completely. Golden retriever puppies weigh around 12-25 pounds at birth. Golden retrievers may have originated in Scotland, but they have now moved into the whole world, and because of their great temperment, they have become awesome family pets.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Weasel (Mustela)

Weasel...or mustela!!

Weasels are very small mammals. They can grow to be 18 inches in length, and their tails can be up to 13 inches long. They usually weigh around 3 ounces. Weasels eat small mammals, and live everywhere in the world accept Antartica and Australia.

Weasel mating season starts in mid-summer, but the eggs only start to develop 27 days before the birth of the babies. The babies are born weighing in at about 1.1 grams, and can catch food for themselves when they are around 2 months old.Weasels live in holes that they make into dens in hollow stumps, rock piles, and the ground.

Weasels are genrally found on the ground, but can follow their prey up trees and in water, making it hard for the prey to escape. Weasels are close to their children, and mothers have been known to give up their lives for their children, rather than desert them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Polar Bear (ursus maritimus)

Polar bear...or ursus maritimus!!!

Polar bears are the biggest bears in the world. The males can weigh up to 1500 pounds, and the females weigh about half of that. A polar bear's diet mainly consists of ringed and bearded seals, which are popular in the Arctic Circle, where large populations of polar bears live. The temprature  in the Arctic Circle can get to be -0 in the winter.

Polar bear mating season starts in April and ends in May, with the female giving birth in February. When a polar bear is pregnant, she will eat more than usual, and more than double her body weight. Polar bear cubs weigh about 2.0 pounds at birth, and will suck their mother's milk until they are 2 and 1/2 years old, when their mother either deserts them or chases them away. Today, polar bears can still be found in the Arctic Circle.

Polar bears are extremely good swimmers, and have been spotted over 60 miles from land. Polar bears use their excellent sense of smell to find seal holes, which seals use to breathe through. When a seal exhales, the polar bear can smell its breath, and waits by the breathing hole for the seal to appear.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Komodo Dragon (varanus komodoensis)

Komodo Dragon... or varanus komodoensis!

Komodo dragons are the largest living species of lizards. They can grow to be 9.8 feet long, and usually weigh around 150 pounds. A komodo dragon eats wild boar, deer, birds, and bird eggs. A komodo dragon will use its tail to knock down its prey, and then will attack the underside or the neck. A komodo dragon's bite is always fatal. The venom in its saliva sets in almost immediatley.  A komodo dragon can smell a dying or dead animal from 6 miles away. The dragons have been known to dig up recently dug graves and eat the corpses of the people in them.

Komodo dragon mating season occurs in between May and August, and the eggs are usually laid in September. The eggs hatch around April, and the young dragon comes out of the shell, about 1 foot long. Young dragons live in trees until they are four years old, because older dragons see baby dragons as lunch. Komodo dragons can be found on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores, and Gili Motang.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tiger (panthera tigris)

Tiger... or Panthera tigris!

Tigers are one of the four "big cats" found around the globe. The others are lions, jaguars, and leopards. Tigers can grow up to 11 feet in length, and weigh up to 660 pounds. Yikes! In the wild, tigers  can live up to 15 years old, while tigers in captivity usually live to  around 20 years old. A tiger's diet consists mainly  of monkeys, peafowls, hares and fish. It will also prey on wild boar and deer.

The mating season for tigers usually lasts from November to April, and the gestation period lasts for about 16 weeks. A baby tiger weighs about 2.2 pounds at birth, and the litter usually consists of 4 cubs. Initially the cubs are nourished with their mother's milk, but when they are ten weeks old they stop drinking it.  The cubs will leave their mother when they are 2 1/2 years old, and will be able to have cubs of their own when they reach 5 years of age.

The word tiger comes from the Greek word "tigris", which  derives from the Persian word for "arrow". This could be refering to the tiger's speed. A tiger can reach up to 50 miles per hour, but would not be able to do so without it's 4 foot long tail. The tail helps the tiger to balance while it is running. Tigers are found in Eastern and Southern Asia, but not in Africa, where many people believe they reside.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Siamese Cat (felis catus)

Siamese Cat.... or felis catus!
Siamese cats tend to have a triangular shaped head with a thin snout. Their bodies are long, as are their tails. Siamese cats have sleek fur, and are also recognizable by their blue eyes. A Siamese cat will typically eat regular cat food, and drink water.

In movies, it seems as though cats love milk and could survive on it. Absolutley wrong. A cat could never survive on milk alone. Furthermore, cow milk is bad for cats. If a cat drank milk, it could have digestive problems. Though cats can get problems from milk, kittens will suck their mother's milk for about 4 weeks after birth, and then are introduced to mushed solid food.

 Siamese cats are highly intelligent and lively, and love to be the center of attention. A Siamese cat has a very loud meow, and it is so loud that it has been compared to a human baby's cry. Siamese cats can live up to 14 years, and some live up to 20 years old. Elderly Siamese cats usually die of kidney disease.

Siamese cats are found all over the world, though they originally came from Siam, now known as Thailand. Siamese cats were thought to be good luck in the 1880's in Siam.The Siamese cats were called "Moon Diamond" and were usually seen around temples and royal households because they were thought to keep away evil spirits.Today, Siamese cats are still loved by lots of people all over the world. They might not be used to ward off evil spirits, but they are still great pets to have.