Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tortoise (testudinidae)

Tortoise ... or testudinidae!

Tortoise are land animals, and can be found in all parts  of the world. A mother will lay a clutch of eggs from one to thirty, and cover them up and leave them to hatch. The baby will break out of the shell with its egg tooth, and begin learning life in the wild. One tortoise lived to be 165 years old. As of today, there is said to be a tortoise living on the island of Helena that is 176 years old, making him the oldest animal in the world.

For the most part, tortoises are herbivores, but some eat worms and bugs as part of a regular diet. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Panda ( Ailurapoda )

Panda ... or ailurapoda!

Pandas are typically found in Central China. They are black and white,  and stand 2 feet 6 inches to the shoulder. When a cub is born, it weighs about 7 ounces and 7 inches long. Pandas usually wander alone, except in mating season, which usually happens between March and May.

Pandas are herbivores, and will eat a lot of greens, but it will mainly eat bamboo.  Pandas still have a carnivore sense, so bamboo gives them almost no energy or protein. Though pandas are mainly herbivores, they will eat fish and eggs when they find them available.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wild Boar (Suindae)

Wild boar ... or suindae!

Wild boars are typically found in Northern and Central Europe, though they can be found as far as Asia sometimes.  Wild boars have been bred in the U.S. for hunting purposes, but after escapes from captivity, have been repopulated. Boars have large heads and short legs, and when piglets are born, they have stripes down their back. These stripes, however, fade by the time they are 6 weeks old.

Pregnancy periods will last about 115 days, and 3 days before birth, the female will make a strong nest for her and her piglets. Birthing takes about 3 hours, and when the youngsters are born, they and the mother will stay in the nest for up to 6 days to get used to their surroundings.

The Celtics believed that the boar was a sacred token to the goddess Arduinna. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Skunk (mephitidae carnivora)

Skunk ...or mephitidae carnivora!

Never pet a shaggy black and white cat, or you  might get a little more then you bargained for. Skunks may be small, but  they pack a stench if they get scared.  They will eat berries, small mammals, nuts, and in towns and cities, garbage. During winter, they will hibernate. While up to twelve females can sleep in one den, males prefer to den alone.

Skunks have very poor vision, and can't see objects more then 10 feet away. Usually a female skunk gives birth in May, and after three weeks, the babies (sometimes called kits) can see. They will stay with their mom for about a year, and then they leave to go on their own.

Skunks can be found all over the world, but are commonly found in North America.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Akita (canis lupis familiaris)

Akita ... or canis lupis familiaris!

Akita dogs were originally bred  in Japan, but now can be found all over the world. An Akita's coat comes in only 5 colors, but only the American Akita can come in all five. The coat can be long or short, depending on how it is cared for.

The Akita is a loyal and intelligent breed. A faithful Akita named Hachicko waited for his master for 10 years at Shibuya  station, to greet him from the train. After his death, a statue was erected for him to show his loyalty, and he also saved the Akita from extinction.